There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability;
there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community. - M. Scott Peck

Thursday, March 31, 2011


A few things became a little clearer for me last night in our small group, thanks to the continued generosity of the men – a group willing to reveal what they are struggling with:

1. I take great encouragement that as a group, we are much more concerned about honesty and authenticity than evaluating/judging behavior or beliefs.

2. We may not always understand why evil is permitted and desperate struggle is so integral to life, but we can trust that God is absolutely reliable. Whatever he asks from us, we can trust that it is for the long-term best.

3. Difficulty and hardship provide an opportunity for faith to be made visible, in a way that is not found when times that are easy.

4. When we experience unjustified attack or harm, and then question God’s faithfulness because of it, we are in a place that is similar to Jesus on the cross.

5. God is faithful, in spite of what sometimes seems like his apparent absence; we have not been forsaken.

I am learning that meaningful faith and genuine friendships require each other.

1 comment:

Jack Bovaird said...

Outstanding, Greg. This just reinforces for me how important being present is to our group fellowship. I absolutely need to be reminded of God's faithfulness in my life - even when things are not going well. Coming to group never lets me forget that since each of us are at different places. Some of us are doing ok at the moment, but we are able to share the burden of another guy who is in a place of struggle. And it's often easier to deepen our belief in God's faithfulness as we help carry someone else's burden and not our own. Thanks for the post and for the reminders of God's faithfulness and what I miss when I'm not at group.