There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability;
there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community. - M. Scott Peck

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Messy and Awkward

Our group was a bit messy this week. There were a few things that happened where as a leader, I wasn’t sure what to do. Our group as a whole also seemed unsure of how we should handle a situation and so it felt awkward for a few minutes. Although none of us likes feeling awkward, if we are in relationship with people and sharing what is in our hearts, it will happen from time to time. Life is messy and not always easily sorted out.

Messy awkwardness will happen in small groups. The good news about messy awkwardness is that the awkwardness doesn’t last forever, but subsides. The good news is that if we battle through it, usually life change and stronger relationships are on the other side. Maybe your group has had some awkward moments. As you experience them, look at them as opportunities for growth and not as something to be avoided. In fact, moments of messiness and awkwardness are sure signs God is up to something in your group. It often means God is moving.

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