There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability;
there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community. - M. Scott Peck

Thursday, April 29, 2010

God In A Circle

God shows up in a lot of places for me. Even when I'm playing poorly at Pine Ridge, God is everywhere on the course (God must be a golfer because God has created amazing places that only golfers get to see and Pine Ridge is one of them). Anywhere with Ellen. At home on my back porch. At the 5:30pm liturgy at Nativity. Sitting on the beach in Duck. Playing with Annabel, Sawyer and Elijah. God really does show up in my life.
But often the most amazing place God shows up for me is when I sit in the circle with my brothers in our small group. Awesome and amazing! Last night another one of our guys told his story. Wow. This is always a powerful experience for all of us. Last night was so far the only "to be continued" story in our group. I'm looking forward to next week to hear the rest.
Powerful and more. It is humbling to hear the stories. As tough as I sometimes think I've had it, I admire how the guys in our group made it to where they are given what they had to deal with. It's encouraging to hear the stories. No self pity, no poor me. Just here is who I am and how I got here.
It's spiritual. God really does show up in a special way in the small group circle. Powerful, peaceful, healing, challenging, supporting. It's great to be reading Acts and know God still shows up.

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